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Links to related sites

Карпатська бджола - About carphatian bees (rus.) 

Institute of beekeeping named after P.Prokopovych - first page of the future site of institute.

Ivan Levchenko  - home page of the doctor of biological sciences, Laboratory of ethology of Institute of beekeeping.

"AIV-100" - the company producing plants for making beeswax bases for honeycomb, engraved rolls mechanical and manual (eng.).

Beekeeping in Macedonia - Macedonian beekeeping portal.

Пчеландия - About beekeeping in Russia.

Beekeeping in Bulgaria - bulgarian beekeeping and beekeeping of Balkan countries (rus).

Forum - united forum for beekeepers. - Information catalogue for beekeepers all over the world (eng., fr.)

Ukrainian search engines Ukrainian "mirror" of Google.

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