bee scientist (PhD in biology),
and small scale queen breeder.
List of English-language
Komissar A. Heat treatment of Varroa infected colonies
// Apiacta, 1985, #4: 113-117.
Komissar A. Nucleus hives with multiple sites //
Apiacta,1990, #4 (XXY): 107-110.
Komissar A. New approaches to the problem of reserve
honeybee queens storage in regions with particularly long winter //Apiacta,
1992, (XXVII) #4: 97-104.
Komissar A. Die ?berwinterung von Vorratsk?niginnen
in Kleinv?lkchen // Mitteilungen ?ber Bienenbesamung, 1993, 5, 2: 21-24.
Komissar A. Extra multiple nucleus hives // Bee
World, 1996, 77(2): 82-88
Komissar A. Improvement of multiple nucleus
hives // American Bee Journal, 1996, 136, 4: 227-228.
Komissar A. Extra multiple nucleus hives - the real
way to micronucs// The Beekeepers Quarterly, 1996, 45: 19-20.
Komissar A. New rules for coloration marks
of hive entrances // The Beekeepers Quarterly, 1996,-46:18.
Komissar A. Open letter to English queen breeder
Arthur Johnson // Bee Biz, 1998, 7: 39.
Komissar A. High temperature wintering of baby nucs
with reserve queens // The Beekeepers Quarterly, 1998, 55: 17-18.
Komissar A. Cut comb honey from combs with wired
foundation // The Beekeepers Quarterly, 1999, 58: 20.
Komissar A. The rearing of queens in queenright
nursing colonies without queen excluders // The Beekeepers Quarterly, 2000,
60: 16-18
Piletska I., Zhila S., Komissar A. Beekeeping
with log hives and problems concerning the heather moors of Northern Ukraine
// The Beekeepers Quarterly, 2001, 63: 12-14
Komissar A. Pure beebread as new perspective product
of apiculture // The Beekeepers Quarterly, 2001, #65: 15-16.
Komissar A. The storage of beebread for bees
and humans// The Beekeepers Quarterly, 2001, 66: 28-29.
Komissar A. A new method of producing bee bread
// The Beekeepers Quarterly, 2001, 67: 29-30.
Komissar A. A simplified method of hive design leads
to greater profitability for Ukrainian beekeepers //The Beekeepers Quarterly,
2002, 68: 32-33.
Komissar A. Bitter wormwood (Artemisia absinthium
L.) Instead of Fumagilin for Treating Nosema disease // The Beekeepers
Quarterly, 2002, 69: 32-33.
Komissar A. The use of micronucs in a large-scale
mating apiary // The Beekeepers Quarterly, 2002, #71: 25-27.
Komissar A. All-year-round keeping of mating nucs
in the Styrofoam mating babynuc hives of the new design // Bee Biz.-2002.-1:
Komissar A. Extra multiple mating hives at
large-scale mating apiary // Bee Biz, 2003, 15: 34-35.
Komissar A. The weight of queen pupae can’t
be used for rejecting of small virgin queens // The Beekeepers Quarterly,
2003, # 75: 32-33.
Komissar A. The remote monitoring of honey bee nucleus
colonies during wintering using infrared thermography // The Beekeepers
Quarterly, 2004, # 76: 16-18.
Komissar A. The peculiarities of the honeybee perception
of the white and blue flat near-entrance marks // Journal of Apicultural
Science, 2004, 48, #2: 5-11.
Komissar A. High temperature wintering of
two-frame nucs // The Beekeepers Quarterly, 2005, #79: 38-40.
Komissar A. Extra multiple mating hives on the queen
breeding stations in Ukraine // The Beekeepers Quarterly, 2005, #81: 44-46.
Komissar A. Rearing osmia bees in Ukraine //The
Beekeepers Quarterly, 2006, #82: 41-42.
Materials of Apimondia Congresses.
Komissar A. Physiological observation on honeybee
queens during low temperature storage // XXIV Congress of Apimondia, Lauzanne,
Switzerland, Programme and summaries of the reports: 1995, 78-79.
Komissar A. Physiological observation on honeybee
queens during low temperature storage, The XXXIV International Apicultural
Congress of Apimondia, Lausanne, 1995,- Bucharest, Romania: Apimondia publishing
house, 1997: 104-107.
Komissar A. The peculiarities of the honeybee colour
perception of the flat and volumed near entrance marks // XXXV-th international
apicultural congress of Apimondia, Antwerp, Belgium, September1997.-1997.-
Bucharest, Romania: Apimondia publishing house.- P.150-151.
Komissar A. Extra multiple mating nucleus hives
for the temperate climate condition // Ibidem: 358-359.
Komissar A. The possibilities of the use of infrared
thermography for the control of overwintering of honey bee colonies //Book
of Abstracts, XXXVIII-th Apimondia International Apicultural Congress,
Ljubljana, Slovenia, August 24-29, 2003.- P.684-685.
Komissar A., Egoshin L. Protective “cloth” for the
honey bee winter cluster // Ibidem - P. 692-693.
Shumakova I., Komissar A. Cells orientation in the
natural honeybee combs // Ibidem - P.694-695.
Shumakova I., Komissar A. Attaching cells in the
honeybee combs. //39th Apimondia International congress, Ireland, Dublin,
2005, Abstracts, P.101-102.
, Komissar A., Shumakova I. New kinds of comb honey.
//39th Apimondia International congress, Ireland, Dublin, 2005, Abstracts,
Materials of the different scientific conferences.
Komissar A. Why do honeybees not distinguish white
and blue near-entrance marks? Proceedings of the International Colloquia
on Social Insects. V. E. Kipyatkov (Ed.), Russian Language Section of the
IUSSI, Socium, St. Petersburg, 1997, vol. 3–4, pp. 117–120.
Komissar A. 1997 – Some peculiarities of honeybees
orientation near the hive entrance and their use in the design of extra
multiple nucleus hives. Ibidem, pp. 301-302.
Komissar A. Behavioural adaptations of the honeybee,
Apis mellifera, to long overwintering // Abstracts of IV-th European Workshop
of Invertebrate Ecophysiology, St. Petersburg, Russia, 9-15 September 2001:
Komissar A. Honey bees adaptation to long hibernation
// Proceeding of 2001 Berlin Meeting of European Section of IUSSI, page
Komissar A.,Shumakova I. Orientation of cells in
the natural honeybee combs // Proceeding of 2001 Berlin Meeting of European
Section of IUSSI, page 196.
Komissar A., Shumakova I. Fasterning, conjunctive
and compensatory cells in honeybee combs // Proceeding of 2001 Berlin Meeting
of European Section of IUSSI, page 197.
Komissar A. Bee locks // The 1-st European Scientific
Apicultural conference (Pulawy, Poland, 5-8 September 2000, Programme and
summaries of the reports, P. 47-48.
Komissar A. The surfaces, which reflect the ultraviolet
rays, are the excellent marks of entrances to the honey bee nests // XL
Naukowa Konferencja Pszczelarska, Materialy z Konferencji, Pulawy, 2003.-
P. 44-45.
Komissar A. The possibilities of the use of infrared
thermography for the control of overwintering of honey bee colonies //
XL Naukowa Konferencja Pszczelarska, Pulawy, Materialy z Konferencji, 2003.-
P. 46-47.
Komissar A. Preliminary tests of the plastic China
royal jelly queen cups applied for the queen rearing. // XLI Naukowa Konferencja
Pszczelarska, Materialy z Konferencji, Pulawy, 2004.- P.24-26.
Komissar A. The possibility of the use of two-coloured
near entrance marks in the extra multiple hives // XLII Naukowa Konferencja
Pszczelarska, Materialy z Konferencji, Pulawy, 2005. P.40-42.
Shumakova I., Komissar A. Classification of incorrect
cells in the honeybee comb // XLII Naukowa Konferencja Pszczelarska, Materialy
z Konferencji, Pulawy, 2005. P.14-16.
Komissar A. Changes in life cycle of the honeybee
in small babynuc colonies at unusual temperature regimes of overwintering
// Programme and abstracts of the International Symposium “Life Cycles
in Social Insects: Behavioural, Ecological and Evolutionary Approach”,
St- Petersburg, Russia, September 2003.- St. Petersburg University Press,
2003.- P.38.
Shumakova I., Komissar A. Natural honey bee combs
attached to the vertical surfaces. Proceeding of the 3-rd Europian Congress
on Social Insects, St. Petersburg, Russia, 22-27 August 2005, P. 171.
Komissar A. Races of honey bees, human nations and
Proceeding of the 3-rd European Congress on Social Insects, St. Petersburg,
Russia, 22-27 August 2005, P. 61.
Komissar A. Thermoregulation of honey bees in winter
by means of vertical movement in the hives with vertical gradient of temperature.
Proceeding of the 3-rd European Congress on Social Insects, St. Petersburg,
Russia, 22-27 August 2005, P. 78.
Komissar A. The peculiarities of the honeybee perception
of two-coloured near entrance marks. Proceeding of the 3-rd European Congress
on Social Insects, St. Petersburg, Russia, 22-27 August 2005, P.155.
List of A.Komissar’s publications
in Ukrainian and Russian counts near 200 positions,
including two books:
1. High-temperature wintering of honey bees, Kiev,
1994, 168 pages (in Russian).
2. Extra multiple nucleus mating hives, Kiev, 1997,
96 pages (in Russian).
The PhD Thesis: Optimization of conditions, which
provide the surviving of honey bees Apis mellifera L. under the influence
of extremal factors, Kiev, 1991, 211 pages (in Russian).
Dr. Alexander Komissar,
PhD in Biology
P.O.Box 55, Kiev, 03056,
Tel. home +38-044-457-10-78
E-mail: komissaralex@i.uà
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